Friday, May 19, 2006

willkommen bienvenu welcome

Hey chicas and chicos. This blog will cater to the sophisticated and cosmopolitan and multiculty and posmo METROPOLIS class of '06. The idea is having this (virtual, ephimeral, democratic, bla bla) space to be closer in touch (*wink*) with each other and with each other's work and with each other's doubts and with each other's psicological traumas. We want to expand from the courses into whatever we may, particularly during the time between the two course periods when most of us won't be staying in Barcelona.

The idea is free-posting: links, fragments of work, photos, movie recomendations, baking recipies, reviews, freelance articles, references, announcements, indecent proposals, exhibition calendars... Whatever you feel may be of use and interest to the rest of us. Of course, it is better if entries are at least implicitly relevant to METROPOLIS.

We will start out with no moderator or censor, see how that works. To those of you who have never used or owned a blog before... don't feel astray. It's extremely simple. In any case we will also recieve entries by e-mail.

The address for questions, proposals and getting the username and password to post is:

xxx deu xxx



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